After years of piecing together lessons for myself and other teachers every Summer to prepare for various singing schools, I finally sat down and tried to compile all those years of lessons into a sing book. The resulting project is "Everyone Can Sing."
This book will include 71 step-by-step lessons
that will guide singers through the music reading process. It can be used in any size group from 1 singer to 300+!
The book also includes helpful warm-ups and some of your favorite singing school songs and rounds. The student book hopefully will be available this summer for purchase and I plan to have a teacher guide book available soon thereafter.*
I also plan to have audio files that can help with individual or small group study when singers are unable to attend an organized singing school. This part of the project is in its infancy, so be patient and the files will be available in the near future.
My prayer is that this rudiment book will be a help to those who are just getting started in reading music or who need a refresher course to improve their skills.
* TEACHER NOTE - The teacher guide book is not necessity, the student book shows you the order you should present pitch, rhythm, etc.